Welcome to Christ Church Cheltenham

get connected | be community | show compassion
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Christ Church is a family of Christians.
We are not perfect but we try our best to live as Jesus asks us to.

Because we love God, and think the world of Jesus, we want to tell other people about our faith. Jesus said the most important thing is love so it’s really important that we care for one another.

Our doors are wide open to anyone who wants to come inside and an important part of our work is to welcome people who come for baptisms, weddings and funerals. They are really important because they’re a way in which we get to know people who aren’t yet part of Christ Church. We hope you come and join us!

We run courses throughout the year to help those who have questions about God find some answers and regularly reach out into the community to meet people where they are. Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more.